Dè th 'ann an Java Vector

Tha an oideachadh seo a’ mìneachadh a h-uile càil mu dheidhinn structar dàta Vector ann an Java le eisimpleirean. Ionnsaichidh tu Cruthaich, Tòiseachadh, Deasachadh & Cleachd Vector Java anns na Prògraman agad:

Faodar vectar a mhìneachadh mar raon fiùghantach a dh’ fhaodas fàs no crìonadh leis fhèin ie fàsaidh vectar nuair a thèid barrachd eileamaidean a chur ris agus crìonadh nuair a bhios eileamaidean ann. air an toirt air falbh bhuaithe.

Tha an giùlan seo eu-coltach ri arrays a tha statach. Ach coltach ri arrays, gheibhear cothrom air eileamaidean vectair a’ cleachdadh clàran-amais iomlan.

Faodaidh vectar fhaicinn coltach ri structar dàta sreath fiùghantach eile, ArrayList ach a-mhàin an dhà gu h-ìosal eadar-dhealachadh:

  • Tha an vectar air a shioncronachadh ie tha a h-uile modh ann an Vector air a chomharrachadh ‘synchronized’ agus mar sin aon uair ‘s gu bheil dòigh air a chleachdadh, chan urrainnear an aon dòigh a chuir an sàs mura h-eil an gairm roimhe chrìochnaich.
  • Tha iomadh dòigh anns a' chlas vectar nach eil nam pàirt den fhrèam cruinneachaidh ach na dòighean dìleabach.

Clas Vector Java

Tha clas vector a bharrachd air a’ phacaid “ java.util ” agus a’ cur an gnìomh eadar-aghaidh Liosta. ’S e sreath de nithean neo vectar de nithean a th’ ann an vector.

Tha dearbhadh clas de chlas Vector air a thoirt seachad gu h-ìosal:

 public class Vector extends Object implements List, Cloneable, Serializable 

Mar a chithear gu h-àrd, tha clas Vector a’ leudachadh “ java.lang.object ” agus a’ cur an gnìomh eadar-aghaidh List, cloneable agus Serializable.

Mar a chruthaicheas tu vector ann an Java?

'S urrainn dhutcruthaich nì Vector a’ cleachdadh gin dhe na dòighean Vector constructor a leanas.

Prototype Constructor Tuairisgeul
vector() Seo an neach-togail bunaiteach aig a’ chlas Vector. Bidh e a’ cruthachadh vectar falamh le meud 10.
vector(int initialCapacity) Tha an inneal-togail seo le cus luchdan a’ togail nì Vector falamh leis a’ chomas = comas tòiseachaidh.
vector(int initialCapacity, in capacityIncrement) Tha an dòigh constructor seo a’ cruthachadh nì Vector falamh leis a’ chiad dol a-mach Comas agus comas Meudachadh.22
Vector(Cruinneachadh c) Tha nì vector air a chruthachadh leis na h-eileamaidean tùsail on chruinneachadh ainmichte c.

Thoir sùil air gach neach-togail gus nithean Vector a thòiseachadh.

Tòisich Vector

(i) Vector()

Is e seo an neach-togail bunaiteach den chlas Vector. Nuair a chuireas tu an dealbhadair seo a-steach, thèid nì Vector de mheud bunaiteach 10 a chruthachadh.

Is e co-chòrdadh coitcheann a’ mhodha seo:

Oibse vector = Vector ùr();

Mar eisimpleir,

Vector vec1 = new Vector ();

Tha an aithris gu h-àrd a’ cruthachadh Vector ‘vec1’ ùr le meud 10.3

(ii) Vector(int initialCapacity)

Tha an neach-togail sa chlas Vector le cus luchdan a’ gabhail ri ‘initialCapacity’ mar an argamaid. Bidh an neach-togail seo a’ cruthachadh Vectornì leis a’ chomas ainmichte.

Is e co-chòrdadh coitcheann a’ mhodha:

Vector object = Vector ùr (Comas tùsail);

Mar eisimpleir,

Vector vec1 = new Vector (10);

Cruthaichidh an aithris prògramaidh gu h-àrd rud Vector ‘vec1’ le comas 10 i.e. is urrainn dhan Vector seo suas ri 10 a stòradh eileamaidean.

(iii) Vector(int initialCapacity, int capacityIncrement)

Seo inneal-togail eile de chlas Vector le cus luchdan agus bidh e a’ cruthachadh nì Vector leis a’ chiad tùs ainmichte comas agus àrdachadh airson an comais.

Is e an co-chòrdadh coitcheann airson a’ mhodh seo:

Vector object = Vector ùr (tùs Comas, comas Meudachadh);

Mar eisimpleir,

Vector vec1 = new Vector(5,10);

San aithris gu h-àrd, 's e comas tùsail an Vector 5 agus 's e àrdachadh 10. Tha seo a' ciallachadh nuair a Tha an 6mh eileamaid air a chuir a-steach don vectar, thèid comas an vectar àrdachadh gu 15 (5 + 10). San aon dòigh, nuair a thèid an 16mh eileamaid a chuir a-steach, thèid comas vectar an Vector a leudachadh gu 25 (15 +10).

(iv) Vector(Cruinneachadh c)

Tha an neach-togail mu dheireadh den chlas Vector le cus luchdan a’ gabhail a-steach cruinneachadh ro-mhìnichte mar argamaid agus a’ cruthachadh Vector leis na h-eileamaidean uile bhon chruinneachadh seo mar na h-eileamaidean aige.

Is e an co-chòrdadh coitcheann:

Vector object = Vector ùr (Cruinneachadh c);

Mar eisimpleir,

Vector vec1 = new Vector(aList); where aList = {1,2,3,4,5};

Tha ancruthaichidh an aithris gu h-àrd Vector 'vec1' le eileamaidean tùsail mar {1,2,3,4, 5}.

Le bhith cumail na tuairisgeulan sin uile ann an cuimhne leigidh sinn leinn prògram Vector a chuir an gnìomh gus na luchd-togail seo a thuigsinn nas fheàrr.

Modhan Vector ann an Java

Seo na dòighean a tha a’ faighinn taic bho chlas Vector ann an Java.

>Ainm Modh Prototype Tuairisgeul
cuir ris Boolean add(E e) A’ cur an eileamaid a thugadh ri deireadh an vectar.
Void add(int index, E eileamaid) Cuir eileamaid ris an vectar aig a’ chlàr-amais ainmichte.
addAll Boolean addAll(Cruinneachadh c) Cuir ris na h-eileamaidean uile bhon chruinneachadh a chaidh a thoirt gu deireadh an vectar.
Boolean addAll(int index, Collection c) Cuir ris na h-eileamaidean uile sa cho-chruinneachadh ainmichte aig clàr-amais ainmichte.
cuir an Element falamh addElement(E obj) Cuir ris an eileamaid ainmichte aig deireadh an vectar le bhith ag àrdachadh meud an vectar.
Comas Int capacity() Tilleadh comas làithreach an vectar.
Falamh Falamh soilleir() A’ glanadh vectar nan eileamaidean aige.
Clone Clone Object() Clones an vectar.
Innte Tha Boolean ann (Rud o) Dèan cinnteach a bheil an vectareileamaid ainmichte.
anns a h-uile h-uile Boolean containsAll(Cruinneachadh c) Dèan cinnteach a bheil na h-eileamaidean uile a tha an làthair san vectar cruinneachadh a chaidh a thoirt seachad.
copyInto Void copyInto(Object[] anArray) Dèan lethbhreac de na h-eileamaidean vector ann an sreath a chaidh a thoirt seachad.
E ElementAt E ElementAt(int index) A’ tilleadh an eileamaid vectair aig a’ chlàr-amais ainmichte.
Eileamaidean Eileamaidean àireamhachd() A’ tilleadh co-phàirtean àireamhach airson an vectar.
cinnteachCumas Falamh cinnteachCumas(int minCapacity) A’ meudachadh comas vectar gus an comas as lugha a chaidh a shònrachadh a choileanadh.
16> 16
Ainm Modh Prototype Tuairisgeul
Co-ionann Co-ionann Boolean(Rud o) Dèan coimeas eadar vectar gnàthach le vectar ainmichte gus dearbhadh a bheil iad co-ionann.
firstElement E firstElement() Tilleadh a’ chiad eileamaid den vectar aig clàr-amais 0.
Faigh E get(int index) Tilleadh an eileamaid san vectar aig a’ chlàr-amais ainmichte.
hashCode int hashCode() A' tilleadh luach còd hash airson an Vector.
indexOf int indexOf(Rud o) clàr-amais a’ chiad tachartas den eileamaid a chaidh a thoirt seachad san vectar; -1 ma thachan eil an eileamaid an làthair san vectar.
int indexOf(Rud o, int index) Rannsaich an vectar bhon chlàr-amais a chaidh a thoirt seachad san t-slighe air adhart airson eileamaid ainmichte;tilleadh clàr-amais ma lorgar eileamaid eile -1 mura lorgar an eileamaid.
cuir a-steach ElementAt Falamh insertElementAt(E obj, int index) Cuir a-steach an nì a chaidh a thoirt seachad san vectar aig a’ chlàr-amais a chaidh a thoirt seachad.
isFalamh Boolean isFalamh() Dèan cinnteach a bheil an vectar falamh.
Iterator Iteratoriterator() Tilleadh iterator a chleachdar airson siubhal thairis air na h-eileamaidean den vectar.
lastElement E lastElement() Tilleadh an eileamaid mu dheireadh dhen vectar .
lastIndexOf Int lastIndexOf(Rud o) Lorg an vectar airson an tachartas mu dheireadh den eileamaid a chaidh a thoirt seachad agus tilleadh an clàr-amais, no a' tilleadh -1 chan eil an eileamaid air a lorg.
Int lastIndexOf(Rud o, int index) A' tòiseachadh a' lorg an tachartais mu dheireadh dhen eileamaid a chaidh a thoirt seachad o an clàr-amais a chaidh a thoirt air ais. Tillidh e an clàr-amais ma lorgar eileamaid eile tillidh e -1.
listIterator ListIteratorlistIterator() Till iterator liosta thairis air na h-eileamaidean vectar.
ListIteratorlistIterator(int index) Till iterator liosta thairis air na h-eileamaidean vector a’ tòiseachadh on a chaidh a thoirt seachadclàr-amais.
Ainm Modh Prototype Tuairisgeul
Thoir air falbh E remove(int index) Sguab às an eileamaid aig clàr-amais ainmichte on vectar.
Boolean remove(Rud o) Sguab às a’ chiad tachartas den eileamaid a chaidh a thoirt on vectar. Mura h-eil an eileamaid an làthair, cha tachair dad don vectar
removeAll Boolean removeAll(Cruinneachadh c) Sguab às a h-uile eileamaid on vectar a an làthair sa chruinneachadh a chaidh a thoirt seachad.
falamh removeAll Elements() Sguab às a h-uile eileamaid vectar agus mar sin ga lughdachadh gu meud neoni.
thoir air falbh an eileamaid Boolean removeElement(Object obj) Thoir air falbh a’ chiad tachartas den eileamaid a chaidh a thoirt on vectar.
falamh removeElementAt(int clàr-amais) Sguab às an eileamaid aig a’ chlàr-amais a chaidh a thoirt seachad.
a’ toirt air falbh Raon air a dhìon falamh removeRange(int fromIndex, in toIndex) Sguab às na h-eileamaidean uile bhon vectar san raon a chaidh a thoirt seachad bho Clàr-innse (in-ghabhalach), totoIndex (exclusive). An taca ri 'removeAll' tha an dòigh-obrach keepAll a' cumail eileamaidean san Vector a tha a' freagairt ri eileamaidean sa Chruinneachadh ainmichte.
set E set(int index) , E eileamaid) Suidhich an luach aig clàr-amais ainmichte leis an eileamaid ùrair a sholarachadh.
Seata falamh ElementAt(E obj, int index) Suidhich na h-eileamaidean a chaidh a thoirt seachad aig a' chlàr-amais a chaidh a thoirt seachad.
setSize Void setSize(int newSize) Suidhich meud air a thoirt don vectar seo.
Meud int size() Tilleadh àireamh nan eileamaidean san vectar seo no fad an vectar.
subList ListsubList(indexIndex, inttoIndex) Tillidh seo sealladh no fo-liosta den vectar a’ dol bho Clàr-innse gu Clàr-innse. () Tionndaidh seo an vectar a chaidh a thoirt seachad gu sreath anns a bheil a h-uile eileamaid vectar ann an òrdugh sònraichte.
T[] toArray(T[] a) Tillidh seo sreath de sheòrsa a chaidh a shònrachadh anns a bheil a h-uile eileamaid vectar.
toString String toString() Till riochdachadh sreang den vectar.
trimToSize void trimToSize() Gearr an vectar gus gabhail ris a’ mheud làithreach.

Cur-an-gnìomh Vector

Tha am prògram Java a leanas a’ sealltainn mar a chleachdar a h-uile modh togail a chaidh a mhìneachadh gu h-àrd.

 import java.util.*; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { //Create vectors v1, v2,v3 and v4 Vector v1 = new Vector(); //a vector with default constructor Vector v2 = new Vector(20); // a vector of given Size //initialize vector v2 with values v2.add(10); v2.add(20); v2.add(30); Vector v3 = new Vector(30, 10); // a vector of given Size and Increment // create a vector v4 with given collection List aList = new ArrayList(); aList.add("one"); aList.add("two"); Vector v4 = new Vector(aList); //print contents of each vector System.out.println("Vector v1 Contents:" + v1); System.out.println("Vector v2 Contents:" + v2); System.out.println("Vector v3 Contents:" + v3); System.out.println("Vector v4 Contents:" + v4); } } 


Tha ceithir Vectors anns a’ phrògram gu h-àrd. Tha a’ chiad v1 air a chruthachadh le inneal-togail bunaiteach. Tha an dàrna Vector v2 air a chruthachadh le comas tùsail mar 20. An uairsin chan eil mòran eileamaidean air an cur ri v2. Tha an treas Vector air a chruthachadh le comas tùsail de 30 agus àrdachadh10.

An ath rud, cruthaichidh sinn ArrayList agus cruthaichidh sinn ceathramh Vector v4 leis an ArrayList mar an argamaid aige. Mu dheireadh, bidh sinn a’ taisbeanadh susbaint gach aon de na Vectors sin.

Thoir an aire na th’ anns a’ cheathramh Vector v4. Leis gu bheil sinn air ArrayList a sholarachadh mar an argamaid aige, bidh susbaint ArrayList gu bhith na shusbaint ann an v4.

Eisimpleir Vector coileanta

A-nis leig dhuinn prògram eile a chuir an gnìomh a sheallas cruthachadh vectaran , a' cur eileamaidean ris agus a' sealltainn na th' ann.

 import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { //Create an empty Vector of even numbers Vector  evenVector= new Vector  (); //Add elements in the vector evenVector.add(2); evenVector.add(4); evenVector.add(6); evenVector.add(8); evenVector.add(10); evenVector.add(12); evenVector.add(14); evenVector.add(16); //Display the vector System.out.println("Vector evenVector contents: " +evenVector); //delete the first occurence of an element 4 using remove method System.out.println("\nFirstoccurence of element 4 removed: "+evenVector.remove((Integer)4)); //Display the vector System.out.println("\nVector contents after remove operation: " +evenVector); //Remove the element at index 4 & display the vector System.out.println("\nRemove element at index 4: " +evenVector.remove(4)); System.out.println("\nVector contents after remove: " +evenVector); //hashcode for the vector System.out.println("\nHash code of the vector = "+evenVector.hashCode()); //Get the element at index 1 System.out.println("\nElement at index 1 is = "+evenVector.get(1)); } } 


Gabhaidh sinn eisimpleir vectar eile. Sa phrògram seo, cleachdaidh sinn vectar sreang . Bidh sinn a’ làimhseachadh an vectar seo le bhith a’ cur eileamaidean ris agus an uairsin a’ clò-bhualadh a mheud agus a chomas.

 import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { // create a vector with initial capacity = 2 Vector fruits_vec = new Vector(2); //add elements to the vector fruits_vec.addElement("Grapes"); fruits_vec.addElement("Melon"); fruits_vec.addElement("Kiwi"); fruits_vec.addElement("Apple"); //print current size and capacity of the vector System.out.println("Vector Size: "+fruits_vec.size()); System.out.println("Default Vector capacity increment: "+fruits_vec.capacity()); //add more elements to the vector fruits_vec.addElement("Orange"); fruits_vec.addElement("Mango"); fruits_vec.addElement("Fig"); //print current size and capacity again System.out.println("Vector Size after addition: "+fruits_vec.size()); System.out.println("Vector Capacity after increment: "+fruits_vec.capacity()); //print vector elements Enumeration fruits_enum = fruits_vec.elements(); System.out.println("\nVector Elements are:"); while(fruits_enum.hasMoreElements()) System.out.print(fruits_enum.nextElement() + " "); } }


Deasaich Vector

Faodaidh tu cuideachd vectar a sheòrsachadh a rèir òrdugh sònraichte. Airson Vector a chur air dòigh, feumaidh tu an dòigh Collections.sort () aig Java Collections Framework a chleachdadh.

Tha an eisimpleir a leanas a' sealltainn seòrsachadh vectar.

 import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String arg[]) { //Create an empty vector Vector oddVector = new Vector(); //Add elements to the vector oddVector.add(1); oddVector.add(11); oddVector.add(7); oddVector.add(3); oddVector.add(5); //print the vector elements System.out.println("Vector elements: "+oddVector); //sort vector using Collections.sort method Collections.sort(oddVector); //print sorted vector System.out.println("Vector elements after sorting: "+oddVector); } } 


Tha am prògram gu h-àrd a’ cruthachadh Vector de àireamhan corra. An uair sin a' cleachdadh an dòigh Collections.sort(), thèid an Vector a rèiteachadh.

Vector 2D (Dà-thomhas)

'S e Vector a th' ann an Vector 2d aig a bheil gach eileamaid mar Vector. Faodaidh e cuideachd a bhith air ainmeachadh mar ‘Vector of Vectors’.

Tha eisimpleir gu h-ìosal a’ sealltainn an Vector 2d.

 import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { //define and initialize a vector Vector inner_vec = new Vector(); inner_vec.add("Software"); inner_vec.add("Testing"); inner_vec.add("Java"); inner_vec.add("Tutorials"); //define another vector and add first vector to it. Vector outer_vec = new Vector(); outer_vec.add(inner_vec); String str; //display the contents of vector of vectors System.out.println("Contents of vector of vectors:"); for(int i=0;i


In the above program, we have a Vector of four elements. Then, we declare another vector and add the previous vector as an element to the second vector. Note the way the elements of the vector is accessed. Form the for loop, you can conclude that the outer vector’s first element (at index 0) is the first or inner vector.

Thus, in the loop, we keep the index of the outer vector as 0 and loop through the inner vector to display all the elements.

Convert Vector To Array

Let’s consider the following example of converting a Vector to an array. To convert a Vector to an Array, we make use of the ‘toArray’ method of the Vector class.

In the following programming example , we declare a string Vector and add elements to it. Then using the toArray method of the Vector class, we convert the Vector to a String array by passing the string array object as an argument.

 import java.util.Vector; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a Vector of String elements Vector color_vector = new Vector(); // Add elements to Vector color_vector.add("Violet"); color_vector.add("Indigo"); color_vector.add("Blue"); color_vector.add("Green"); color_vector.add("Yellow"); color_vector.add("Orange"); color_vector.add("Red"); //Convert Vector to String Array using toArray method String[] colorsArray = color_vector.toArray(new String[color_vector.size()]); //print Array Elements System.out.println("String Array Elements :"); for(String val:colorsArray){ System.out.print(val + " "); } } }


Vector vs Array

Enlisted below are some of the differences between a Vector and an Array.

Vector is dynamic and its size grows and shrinks as elements are added or removed.Arrays are static and its size remains fixed once declared.
Vectors can store only objects.Arrays can store primitive types as well as objects.
It provides a size() method to determine the size.Provides length property to determine the length.
No concept dimensions but can be created as a vector of vectors, normally called 2d vector.Arrays support dimensions.
Vector is synchronized.The array is not synchronized.
Vector is slower than the array.Array is faster.
Reserves additional storage when capacity is incremented.Does not reserve any additional storage.
Ensures type safety by supporting generics.No generic support.

Vector vs ArrayList

This section discusses the difference between Vector and ArrayList in Java.

Present since the initial version of Java(JDK 1.0 version).Introduced in Java since JDK 1.2
Vector is a legacy class of Java.ArrayList is a part of the Java Collections Framework.
Vector grows double its size when its capacity is reached.ArrayList grows by half the size when its capacity is reached.
Vector methods are synchronized.ArrayList is not synchronized.
Vector uses Enumerator and Iterator for traversing.ArrayList uses only Iterator.
Vector operations are slower.ArrayList is faster.
Vector has increment size using which vector size can be increased.ArrayList does not provide increment size.
Vector is thread-safe which means using Vector from multiple threads is permitted and is safe.ArrayList is not thread-safe.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q #1) What is a Vector in Java?

Answer: In Java, a Vector can be defined as a growable array of objects. Similar to arrays, Vector elements can also be accessed using indices.

Q #2) Is vector ordered in Java?

Answer: Yes. A Vector is ordered and maintains the inserting order for elements.

Q #3) Is Vector thread-safe in Java?

Answer: Yes. In Java the Vector class is thread-safe. As the Vector class is synchronized, it makes it thread-safe i.e. you can use the Vector class from multiple threads and it is safe.

Q #4) Why do we use vector in Java?

Answer: The most important reason for which Vector is used in Java is that a Vector grows and shrinks automatically. They are dynamic because of which they are preferred over arrays.

Q #5) Which is better – ArrayList or vector?

Answer: Performance-wise ArrayList is faster when compared to Vector as Vector is synchronized and makes it slower.


In this tutorial, we started with the Vector data structure in Java. Vectors are almost similar to an array in which the Vector elements are accessed using familiar indices. Vectors are called dynamic array and unlike arrays, the Vector size grows and shrinks automatically.

Vectors also have the capacity and increment features that can be used to create and reserve additional storage for future additions. Vector is a legacy class in java.util package of Java and is synchronized as well as thread-safe.

Thus, we should prefer vectors when we need dynamic size and also while we are working in a multi-threaded environment.

Sgrolaich gu barr