Waa maxay Java Vector

Tababarkaan wuxuu sharxayaa dhammaan wax ku saabsan Qaab dhismeedka Xogta Vector ee Java Tusaalayaal. Waxaad baran doontaa sida loo abuuro, bilowga ah, kala soocida & amp; U isticmaal A Java Vector gudaha Barnaamijyadaada:

Vector-ka waxaa lagu qeexi karaa qaab firfircoon oo iskeed u kori karta ama is dhimi karta, tusaale ahaan vector ayaa kori doona marka walxo badan lagu daro oo uu yaraado marka curiyayaasha waa laga saarayaa Laakin si la mid ah arrays, curiyayaasha vector waxaa lagu geli karaa iyadoo la isticmaalayo tusaha isku dhafka ah.

Vector waxaa loo arki karaa si la mid ah qaab-dhismeedka xogta kale ee firfircoon, ArrayList marka laga reebo Laba kala duwanaansho hoose:

  • Vector-ka waa la wada siman yahay, tusaale ahaan dhammaan hababka ku jira Vector-ka waxa lagu calaamadiyaa 'synchronized' oo markaa marka hab la codsado, isla hab la mid ah laguma soo rogi karo ilaa wicitaankii hore uusan ahayn. wuu dhamaaday.
  • marka laga reebo " java.util " xirmada oo waxay fulisaa interface interface. "Vector" waa shay kala duwan oo walxaha ama walxaha kala duwan

    java.lang.object > "wuxuuna fuliyaa List, Cloneable and Serializable interfaces.

    Sidee Loo Abuuraa Vector gudaha Java?

    Waad awoodaasamee shay Vector ah adigoo isticmaalaya mid ka mid ah hababka soo socda ee Vector constructor 18> > > > vector() > Kani waa dhisaha caadiga ah ee fasalka Vector. Waxay abuurtaa vector maran oo cabirkeedu yahay 10. > >>> >>>> bilowga Capacity. > vector(int initialCapacity, int capacityIncrement) Habkan wax dhisuhu waxa uu abuuraa shay faaruq ah oo faaruq ah oo leh awood bilow ah oo cayiman iyo Kordhinta kartida.22 > Vector( Collection c) > > Wax-soo-saarka waxa la abuuraa curiyeyaasha hore ee ururinta cayiman c. > >

    Aan eegno mid kasta oo ka mid ah dhisayaasha si aan u bilowno walxaha Vector

    Initialize Vector

    > Kani waa dhisaha caadiga ah ee fasalka Vector. Markaad u yeedho dhisahan, sheyga Vector ee cabbirkiisu yahay 10 ayaa la abuuraa = Vector cusub>

    (ii) Vector(int initialCapacity) >

    Dhisiyaha aadka u raran ee fasalka Vector wuxuu aqbalayaa 'Awoodda bilowga ah' dooda ahaan. Dhisuhu wuxuu abuuraa Vectorshay leh awood cayiman.


    Habka guud ee habku waa:

    Vector object = Vector cusub (initial Capacity);

    Tusaale ahaan,

    Vector vec1 = new Vector (10);

    Odhaahda barnaamijka kor ku xusan waxay abuuri doontaa shayga 'vector' ee 'vec1' oo leh awood 10 ah tusaale ahaan Vector-kani wuxuu kaydin karaa ilaa 10. Curiyeyaasha.

    (iii) Vector(int initialCapacity, int capacityIncrement)

    Kani waa dhisme kale oo culeyska saaran oo ah fasalka Vector wuxuuna abuuraa shay Vector leh bilow cayiman. Awoodda iyo kordhinta awoodda

    Ereyga guud ee habkani waa:

    Shayga Vector = Vector cusub (Awoodda bilowga ah, awooddaIncrement);

    Tusaale ahaan,

    Vector vec1 = new Vector(5,10);

    Odhaahda kore, awoodda bilowga ah ee Vector waa 5 iyo kordhinta waa 10. Taas macnaheedu waa marka Cunsurka 6aad ayaa la geliya vector-ka, awoodda xididka waxaa lagu kordhin doonaa 15 (5 + 10). Sidoo kale, marka curiyaha 16-aad la geliyo, awoodda vector-ka waxa la kordhinayaa 25 (15 +10).

    (iv) Vector(Collection c) >

    0>Dhisiyaha ugu dambeeya ee culeyska xad dhaafka ah ee fasalka Vector wuxuu qaataa ururin horay loo sii qeexay oo dood ahaan ah wuxuuna abuuraa "Vector" oo leh dhammaan walxaha ka soo baxa ururintan sida curiye.
    > Shayga Vector = Vector cusub (Ururinta c); >

    Tusaale ahaan,

    Vector vec1 = new Vector(aList); where aList = {1,2,3,4,5};

    TheBayaanka kore wuxuu abuuri doonaa 'vector' vec1 oo leh curiyeyaasha hore sida {1,2,3,4, 5}.

    In maskaxda lagu hayo dhammaan sharraxaadahan waxay noo ogolaan doontaa inaan hirgelinno barnaamijka Vector si aan si fiican ugu fahanno dhisayaashan.

    Hababka Vector In Java


    > Kuwa soo socda waa hababka ay taageeraan fasalka Vector ee Java.

    > 3> > 16> > > > > 20> > > >> >Boolean addAll(Ururinta c) > > > > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > > > > > >E ElementAt (int index) > > > >23>>24>>15> > >> > > > > > 16 > > > >>>>>int indexOf index haddii curiyaha la helo wax kale -1 haddii curiyaha aan la helin. > > > In ka badan curiyeyaasha unugyadaindex. > 19>
    > Habka Magaca > Nooca-qaabka Sharaxaad
    add Boolean add(E e) Waxay ku-dartaa curiyaha la siiyay dhammaadka vector-ka.
    Void add(int index, E element) Ku dar curiyaha unugga tusmada la cayimay.
    ku darAll > Waxay ku daraa dhammaan walxaha laga soo bilaabo ururinta la siiyay ilaa dhammaadka vector.
    Boolean addAll ku jira ururinta la cayimay ee tusmada la cayimay.
    ku darElement void addElement(E obj) Waxay ku daraa qaybta la cayimay dhamaadka vector-ka iyadoo la kordhinayo cabbirka vector Capacity Int Capacity() Waxay soo celisaa awoodda hadda jirta ee xuubka
    > Clone > Shay-clone () Waxay xidhaysaa xididka > Boolean ka kooban yahayelement la cayimay.
    waxa uu ka kooban yahay dhamaan Boolean ka kooban ururinta la bixiyay
    > ElementAt >
    > Elements > Qalabka Tiro-koobka sureCapacity Void ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) Waxay kordhisaa awooda vector si ay u buuxiso awooda ugu yar ee la cayimay.
    > Habka Magaca > > Prototype Sharaxaad >
    Waxay la mid tahay Boole waxay la mid tahay (Waxyaabaha o) Waxa uu barbar dhigayaa vector-ka hadda jira iyo vector cayiman si loo hubiyo inay siman yihiin.
    Qeybta koowaad > E firstElement Hel E get>hashCode int hashCode() Waxay soo celisaa koodka xashiishka ee Vector-ka.
    indexOf 22> int indexOf (Object o) waxay helaysaa tusaha dhacdada ugu horreysa ee curiyaha la siiyay ee vector; -1 haddiielement kuma jiro vector
    insertElementAt Void insertElementAt(E obj, int index) Waxay gelisaa shayga la siiyay vector-ka halka la saaray. 21>Waxay hubisaa in uu faaruquhu madhan yahay dulmaro curiyayaasha xididka .
    LastIndexOf Int lastIndexOf(Waxyaabaha o) Waxay raadisaa fayraska dhacdadii ugu dambaysay ee curiyaha la bixiyay oo soo noqda tusmada, ama soo celisa -1 curiyaha lama helin.
    Int lastIndexOf(Object o, int index) Waxay bilaabataa raadinta dhacdadii ugu danbaysay ee curiyaha la bixiyay tusmada la siiyay gadaal. Soo celisa tusaha haddii curiyaha la helo mid kale soo noqda -1.
    listIterator ListIteratorlistIterator()
    > > > > 20> >Ka saar >E saar > >> > > >>ka saar dhammaan >Boolean remove All Waxay ku jiraan ururinta la bixiyay >> >>>wax bannaan ka saar Dhammaan Elements > > > > > >Void setSize(int newSize) > Waxay dejisaa cabbirka cabbirka fayraskan > > > > > > >>ListubList(intfromIndex, inttoIndex) > > > > > > > > > 23>
    > Magaca Habka Prototype > Sharaxaad
    Boolean ka saar Haddii curiye aanu jirin, waxba kuma dhaco vector
    ka saarElement Boolean removeElement index) Waxay tirtirtaa curiyaha tusmada la bixiyay>Waxay tirtirtaa dhammaan curiyayaasha vector ee kala duwanaanshaha la bixiyay laga bilaabo Tusaha (isku-dhafan), totoIndex (gaar ah). Si ka soo horjeedda 'ka saar dhammaan' habka ayaa haaya Dhammaan walxaha ku jira Vector-ka ee u dhigma walxaha ku jira Ururinta cayiman.
    set E set(int index) , E element) Waxay dejisaa qiimaha tusmada la siiyay curiyaha cusubla bixiyay.
    Void set ElementAt(E obj, int index) Waxay dejisaa curiyayaasha la bixiyay tusmada la bixiyay.
    SizeSize SizeSize
    Cabbirka int size() Waxay soo celisaa tirada curiyeyaasha ku jira vector-kan ama dhererka vector
    subList Waxay soo celisaa aragti ama liis hoosaad ee faleebo ka bilaabma index ilaa index. () Waxay u beddelaa vector-ka la bixiyay qaab habaysan oo ay ku jiraan dhammaan curiyeyaasha vector sida ay u kala horreeyaan.
    > Soo celisa noocyo kala duwan oo nooc ah oo ka kooban dhammaan curiyayaasha vector
    String String toString 22>
    jarjarToSize Vid trimToSize() Waxay jar jartaa vector-ka si uu u dajiyo cabbirka hadda.
    13> Dhaqangelinta Vector> Barnaamijka soo socda ee Java wuxuu muujinayaa isticmaalka dhammaan hababka wax-dhisaha ee kor lagu tilmaamay.
     import java.util.*; public class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { //Create vectors v1, v2,v3 and v4 Vector v1 = new Vector(); //a vector with default constructor Vector v2 = new Vector(20); // a vector of given Size //initialize vector v2 with values v2.add(10); v2.add(20); v2.add(30); Vector v3 = new Vector(30, 10); // a vector of given Size and Increment // create a vector v4 with given collection List aList = new ArrayList(); aList.add("one"); aList.add("two"); Vector v4 = new Vector(aList); //print contents of each vector System.out.println("Vector v1 Contents:" + v1); System.out.println("Vector v2 Contents:" + v2); System.out.println("Vector v3 Contents:" + v3); System.out.println("Vector v4 Contents:" + v4); } } 

    > Wax-soo-saar: > 0> >

    >Barnaamijka sare waxa ku jira afar qaybood. v1-ka ugu horreeya waxa lagu abuuray dhisme aan caadi ahayn. Vector-ka labaad ee v2 waxa la abuuray isagoo leh awood bilow ah oo ah 20. Kadibna wax yar ayaa lagu daraa v2. Vector-ka saddexaad waxa lagu abuuray awood bilow ah oo ah 30 iyo kordhin10.

    Marka xigta, waxaanu samaynaa Liis Array ah oo aanu samaynayno 4-tafaraad ee Vector oo leh ArrayList-ku doodiisu. Ugu dambayntii, waxaanu soo bandhigaynaa waxa ku jira mid kasta oo ka mid ah Vectors-kan Sida aan u soo bandhignay ArrayList sida dooddeeda, waxa ku jira ArrayList waxay noqonayaan nuxurka v4.

    Tusaalaha Vector Complete

    Hadda aynu hirgelinno barnaamij kale oo muujin doona abuurista vectors , ku darista curaarta iyo muujinta waxa ku jira

     import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { //Create an empty Vector of even numbers Vector  evenVector= new Vector  (); //Add elements in the vector evenVector.add(2); evenVector.add(4); evenVector.add(6); evenVector.add(8); evenVector.add(10); evenVector.add(12); evenVector.add(14); evenVector.add(16); //Display the vector System.out.println("Vector evenVector contents: " +evenVector); //delete the first occurence of an element 4 using remove method System.out.println("\nFirstoccurence of element 4 removed: "+evenVector.remove((Integer)4)); //Display the vector System.out.println("\nVector contents after remove operation: " +evenVector); //Remove the element at index 4 & display the vector System.out.println("\nRemove element at index 4: " +evenVector.remove(4)); System.out.println("\nVector contents after remove: " +evenVector); //hashcode for the vector System.out.println("\nHash code of the vector = "+evenVector.hashCode()); //Get the element at index 1 System.out.println("\nElement at index 1 is = "+evenVector.get(1)); } } 

    > Wax soo saar:

    Aan soo qaadanno tusaale kale oo vector ah. Barnaamijkan, waxaan adeegsan doonaa vector string . Waxa aanu ku maamulaynaa vector-ka annagoo ku darayna curiyayaasha ka dibna daabacnay cabbirkiisa iyo xajmigiisa>

    Sidoo kale waxaad u kala sooci kartaa vector si waafaqsan nidaam gaar ah. Kala soocida Vector, waa inaad isticmaashaa habka Collections.sort () ee Qaabdhismeedka Ururinta Java

    Tusaalaha soo socdaa wuxuu muujinayaa kala-soocidda vector >

     import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String arg[]) { //Create an empty vector Vector oddVector = new Vector(); //Add elements to the vector oddVector.add(1); oddVector.add(11); oddVector.add(7); oddVector.add(3); oddVector.add(5); //print the vector elements System.out.println("Vector elements: "+oddVector); //sort vector using Collections.sort method Collections.sort(oddVector); //print sorted vector System.out.println("Vector elements after sorting: "+oddVector); } } 

    Natiijada: >


    Barnaamijka kore wuxuu abuuraa tirooyin aan caadi ahayn. Ka dib iyadoo la adeegsanayo habka Collections.sort () , Vector waa la kala saarayaa

    2D (Two-dimensional) Vector

    > 2d Vector waa unug ka kooban mid kasta oo ka mid ah curiyeyaasha sida Vector. Waxa kale oo lagu magacaabi karaa ‘Vector of Vectors’.

    Tusaalaha hoose waxa uu muujinayaa 2d Vector. >

     import java.util.*; public class Main { public static void main(String args[]) { //define and initialize a vector Vector inner_vec = new Vector(); inner_vec.add("Software"); inner_vec.add("Testing"); inner_vec.add("Java"); inner_vec.add("Tutorials"); //define another vector and add first vector to it. Vector outer_vec = new Vector(); outer_vec.add(inner_vec); String str; //display the contents of vector of vectors System.out.println("Contents of vector of vectors:"); for(int i=0;i


    In the above program, we have a Vector of four elements. Then, we declare another vector and add the previous vector as an element to the second vector. Note the way the elements of the vector is accessed. Form the for loop, you can conclude that the outer vector’s first element (at index 0) is the first or inner vector.

    Thus, in the loop, we keep the index of the outer vector as 0 and loop through the inner vector to display all the elements.

    Convert Vector To Array

    Let’s consider the following example of converting a Vector to an array. To convert a Vector to an Array, we make use of the ‘toArray’ method of the Vector class.

    In the following programming example , we declare a string Vector and add elements to it. Then using the toArray method of the Vector class, we convert the Vector to a String array by passing the string array object as an argument.

     import java.util.Vector; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { // Create a Vector of String elements Vector color_vector = new Vector(); // Add elements to Vector color_vector.add("Violet"); color_vector.add("Indigo"); color_vector.add("Blue"); color_vector.add("Green"); color_vector.add("Yellow"); color_vector.add("Orange"); color_vector.add("Red"); //Convert Vector to String Array using toArray method String[] colorsArray = color_vector.toArray(new String[color_vector.size()]); //print Array Elements System.out.println("String Array Elements :"); for(String val:colorsArray){ System.out.print(val + " "); } } }


    Vector vs Array

    Enlisted below are some of the differences between a Vector and an Array.

    Vector is dynamic and its size grows and shrinks as elements are added or removed.Arrays are static and its size remains fixed once declared.
    Vectors can store only objects.Arrays can store primitive types as well as objects.
    It provides a size() method to determine the size.Provides length property to determine the length.
    No concept dimensions but can be created as a vector of vectors, normally called 2d vector.Arrays support dimensions.
    Vector is synchronized.The array is not synchronized.
    Vector is slower than the array.Array is faster.
    Reserves additional storage when capacity is incremented.Does not reserve any additional storage.
    Ensures type safety by supporting generics.No generic support.

    Vector vs ArrayList

    This section discusses the difference between Vector and ArrayList in Java.

    Present since the initial version of Java(JDK 1.0 version).Introduced in Java since JDK 1.2
    Vector is a legacy class of Java.ArrayList is a part of the Java Collections Framework.
    Vector grows double its size when its capacity is reached.ArrayList grows by half the size when its capacity is reached.
    Vector methods are synchronized.ArrayList is not synchronized.
    Vector uses Enumerator and Iterator for traversing.ArrayList uses only Iterator.
    Vector operations are slower.ArrayList is faster.
    Vector has increment size using which vector size can be increased.ArrayList does not provide increment size.
    Vector is thread-safe which means using Vector from multiple threads is permitted and is safe.ArrayList is not thread-safe.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q #1) What is a Vector in Java?

    Answer: In Java, a Vector can be defined as a growable array of objects. Similar to arrays, Vector elements can also be accessed using indices.

    Q #2) Is vector ordered in Java?

    Answer: Yes. A Vector is ordered and maintains the inserting order for elements.

    Q #3) Is Vector thread-safe in Java?

    Answer: Yes. In Java the Vector class is thread-safe. As the Vector class is synchronized, it makes it thread-safe i.e. you can use the Vector class from multiple threads and it is safe.

    Q #4) Why do we use vector in Java?

    Answer: The most important reason for which Vector is used in Java is that a Vector grows and shrinks automatically. They are dynamic because of which they are preferred over arrays.

    Q #5) Which is better – ArrayList or vector?

    Answer: Performance-wise ArrayList is faster when compared to Vector as Vector is synchronized and makes it slower.


    In this tutorial, we started with the Vector data structure in Java. Vectors are almost similar to an array in which the Vector elements are accessed using familiar indices. Vectors are called dynamic array and unlike arrays, the Vector size grows and shrinks automatically.

    Vectors also have the capacity and increment features that can be used to create and reserve additional storage for future additions. Vector is a legacy class in java.util package of Java and is synchronized as well as thread-safe.

    Thus, we should prefer vectors when we need dynamic size and also while we are working in a multi-threaded environment.

    Dabool ilaa sare